The trees of the left bank made short shadows on the current in the forenoon sun.
The grass at his feet, the blue sky, the short purple shadows of the trees, came into focus again.
The shortest shadows still happen around lunchtime, but you can't set your watch by that any more.
And now the royal pair cast faint, short shadows before them as they trotted down the hill.
Rory and Prentice walked on together, their short shadows preceding them.
It's high in the sky, producing short shadows from buildings and plants.
He stood outside the Citadel in the short shadows of noon.
The sun shone from behind, throwing short shadows that pooled at the horses' feet.
A seriously wounded human, on the other hand, may present a potentially much shorter shadow of the future to his bacterial guests.
A short stocky shadow fell to the dark road in front of the gate.