A short skirmish ensued, with most active participants beaten and arrested.
After a short skirmish both sides charged and the battle reduced to an intense melee.
The war itself consisted of a series of short skirmishes with relatively few deaths on either side.
After a short skirmish the Quresh gave ground after losing twelve men.
After the offer was refused, a short skirmish followed and Dalpat's victorious force set fire to the village.
After a short skirmish, the couple were tied and gagged.
After a short skirmish, it fought its way across the river and continued northeastwards to Wexford.
Although the forces of both sides were more or less equal, the surprise was decisive and the Russians sounded a retreat after a short skirmish.
Over the plane's intercom, the pilot had described the short skirmish and Taiwan's concession.
In a short skirmish two Gebirgsjägers had been killed and an officer captured.