"I'm talking about a project begun by the same research '& center we obtained the short takeoff and landing data from," Kalinin said.
The Hs 126 was well received for its good short takeoff and low-speed characteristics which were needed at the time.
Some aircraft can take off at low speed, this being a short takeoff.
They are also capable of delivering much higher acceleration and shorter takeoffs.
The Marine version, which is designed for short takeoffs and vertical landings, was overweight by at least 3,000 pounds.
Normally, 25 flaps are used for a short- or soft-field takeoff.
Seating four, its short takeoff and landing characteristics can be adapted to land, snow or water use.
The Series 10 was designed to have short takeoff and landing distances without the use of leading edge high-lift devices.
Moreover, it was designed for short takeoff and landing on water or land.
Some aircraft can takeoff at low speed, this is called a short takeoff.