Both spring and fall generally consist of mild days and cool nights but are prone to drastic temperature changes over a short timespan.
The evolutionary status of the Wolf-Rayet stars suggests that they all formed in a relatively short timespan.
However, even with such a relatively short timespan, an FU Orionis object has yet to be observed shutting off.
The units were then decommissioned and after lying abandoned for some time, were scrapped in an extremely short timespan.
The short timespan before election (two months since its declaration) was cited by opposition leaders as impeding them to prepare and contest the poll.
This is thought to be a consequence of the short timespan and large capacity of their reproductive cycle, drawing comparisons to spider mites.
A database of wireless communication networks, which may exist only for a short timespan within a geographic region.
Multiple emissions: The light source might emit several pairs at the same time or within a short timespan causing error at detection.
It was astonishing what the Terranians bad brought into being in the relatively short timespan of only 70 years or so.
Their impact was found to be positive, although over a timespan too short to be conclusive.