I got a short uppercut in under his jaw and straightened him up with it slightly.
Alien hit him again, a short uppercut to the jaw.
As the two men clinched in the middle of the ring, Douglas got in a short uppercut to the chin.
It broke his hold on me, and I drew my right arm back, and hit him a short uppercut into his gut.
Suddenly he rammed his clenched fist under her jaw in a short uppercut.
Kit came back with a short, powerful uppercut.
Langdon won the bout with a series of short uppercuts as the fans roared their approval.
Darren Langdon led the fighting brigade with 195 penalty minutes and about 500 short uppercuts.
His right hand was low, and I brought in a short uppercut.
Mr. Fire's guard fell; I stepped inside with a short uppercut.