As a Skin, he takes part on two missions of note, which are told over a series of short vignettes.
In a short vignette the foreman returns home to his wife, complaining about all the women asking for time off.
All episodes also feature short vignettes of the various characters.
The original stories are generally very short vignettes.
The initial goal was to create 15-20 short vignettes which could be used during timeouts of the game's national telecast each year.
The single premiered in September, when two short promotional vignettes were released.
The series features short animated vignettes about current television shows, films, games and other aspects of popular culture.
Eight short and longish musical vignettes move quickly along.
He shows up occasionally in several of the series short vignettes playing various funny characters.
His story is revealed in a succession of short, often oblique but vivid vignettes.