Courses can be short workshops or longer, more traditional courses.
Have fun, have a go, see what you can produce in a short workshop and friendly environment, guided by writer and tutor Jill Dawson and Romesh Gunesekera.
The two couples had supper together after the short workshop.
Scholars from all countries and all disciplines can carry out interdisciplinary research projects ranging from one-year research groups to short workshops.
Services range from short workshops delivered in English, French or bilingual formats to global initiatives with delivery of modules to participants across management levels over several years.
Founded in 2006, its training programmes range from short workshops through tailor-made programmes for individuals and accredited short courses.
Additionally, shorter workshops for professional and youth actors are also available.
Additional short workshops and courses could be negotiated through the District Community Care Training Fora.
Many more take advantage of the shorter workshop courses also offered at the school.
The charity provides training courses across the UK, ranging from short workshops to two-day Open College Network (OCN) accredited courses.