A posthumous book of his last short writings has appeared (see below).
Along with his novels, Marryat was also known for his short writings on nautical subjects.
Mathews's shorter writings frequently cross or deliberately confuse genres.
The Battle of the Books is a short writing which demonstrates his position very neatly.
About once a month, Guthrie posts short writings to the Announcements area of www.arlo.net, often sounding libertarian themes.
In addition to his books and shorter writing, Wittes has produced reports and monographs:
Only a few, short writings of Bekkos's have received modern, critical editions.
Along with the shorter writings, Winans wrote an extensive history of Stevens County.
The term was applied metaphorically to short writings in any genre, including parts of a poetic sequence or poetry book.
Many of his shorter writings from this period were collected posthumously in the book Toward the African Revolution.