Beck favored the short-barreled 12-gauge shotgun that could cut a man in half.
Possession of automatic firearms, short-barreled shotguns, or silencers is prohibited.
In their midst stood a man with a short-barreled shotgun.
He smiled slightly, but there wasn't anything pleasant about the short-barreled shotgun he held.
A man in camouflage fatigues stood on the porch, a short-barreled shotgun in his arms.
Two men, ages 21 and 40, were charged with offenses including providing weapons training or possessing a short-barreled shotgun.
Weatherbee released a short-barreled shotgun from the rack and inspected it for readiness.
After returning to the bedroom and picking up the short-barreled shotgun from beside the bed, he went through the open connecting door to the girls' room.
The name comes from the Catalan word "Trabuc" a short-barreled shotgun used at that time.
Another couple of thugs were on the other side of the room, covering the doorway with their short-barreled shotguns.