In 1975, he founded the short-lived weekly newspaper, known as The Falls.
She worked for several years as a legal secretary and, in 1998, worked briefly at a short-lived monthly newspaper based in Harrison.
Dozens of short-lived Russian newspaper were published until 1940.
He started a series of short-lived newspapers before publishing the London Post from 1699 to 1706.
He then returned to Cameron, Texas with his wife and six children and established a short-lived newspaper there.
In addition to his auto dealership, Mecham owned several short-lived newspapers.
He also wrote essays, worked as an editor, and was a publisher of short-lived newspapers and literary journals.
He also pursued an interest in politics and began publishing a short-lived newspaper.
His next venture was a short-lived weekly newspaper, the Portland Sunday Welcome.
Mr. Shah's verdict on the short-lived newspaper was that it had misread the tabloid audience.