Barrowfield was originally shared with a short-lived team called, Albatross.
The school began making an impact in local sports, taking city records in basketball, football, and established a short-lived, coed gymnastics team.
While the Grays were a relatively short-lived team, playing for only two years, they began a much longer lasting relationship between the city and baseball.
The Underground was a short-lived team of superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe.
They discover Rogers, who had renamed himself simply "The Captain", and they all become a short-lived informal team.
Later that year, he formed a short-lived team with Eugene.
The Fincups were a short-lived team in the Ontario Hockey Association that was very successful on the ice, but did poorly generating revenue.
Tamara was also a member of his short-lived Deep Six team.
He was president of the short-lived team, Public Schools Ice Hockey Club.
A short-lived team of superheroes in the 1950s called themselves the Avengers.