They are intended only for short-range communication, as now, and we are far off the charted route.
The last thing he needed right now was evidence of unknown short-range tactical communications in their vicinity.
Localizers are tiny devices which can contain a simple processor, sensors, and short-range communications.
In the range of short-range tactical communications, and not one of ours.
I should be able to reestablish short-range communications soon, with enough power to raise the outpost.
Besides, if the Enterprise comes back, we should be able to hail it ourselves on short-range communications.
Divert all power except sensors and short-range communications, including life support, to propulsion.
Well, I was kind of hoping you could send me a coil, otherwise we might lose short-range communications.
Dedicated short-range communications, a short to medium range wireless protocol.
We only have short-range communications, and the anomaly is affecting it.