Capote's early focus was on short-story writing, but he later turned to journalism, eager to apply his unique style to a new medium.
In view of his vast influence over Persian short-story writing, he is often referred to as the father of this genre in Iran.
She always viewed her music (in addition to her play and short-story writing) as a means for political change.
Incredibly smart men and women in short-story writing or anthropology or acting rarely do.
She was a visiting lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire for 2003-2004, teaching short-story writing and literature.
The young Irving Stone was bookish and often tried his hand at short-story writing.
"In one semester I would have, like, business law contracts, piano, a philosophy course on death, and short-story writing."
The $25,000 award is given by the Dungannon Foundation to honor living American writers who have made "a significant contribution to short-story writing."
Two years later he was made editor and manager of Lippincott's Magazine, a position which he held until 1914 while teaching a private course on short-story writing.
In addition to flight training, students this year can choose from among courses in robotics, photography, information management, short-story writing, and radio and video production.