Industry representatives say they turn around underperforming companies, maneuvering more freely outside the constant scrutiny and short-term demands on publicly traded companies.
The walk-on system, with its thankless short-term demands and potential long-term benefits for determined prospects, is heavily publicized.
The point would be to achieve increased short-term demand without causing a level of fiscal deterioration that would, on balance, damage confidence.
There was, however, little in the statement to encourage short-term demand and growth.
There may be few such parties if short-term demand exceeds supply, leading to backwardation.
The section ends by outlining a set of short-term demands:
Imagine the lone genius, sheltered from the storm of short-term commercial demands in a research lab somewhere, whose tinkering produces a sudden and momentous breakthrough.
In Japan, he learned to hew to a long-term strategy, no matter the short-term demands of investors.
It could draw on these stocks to meet short-term demand if a disruption of gulf supplies occurred.
Mrs Stauner' s report lists our short-term demands with respect to these conclusions and we all consider that they can be met by the stated deadline.