But he added that the shift would have little short-term impact on the company.
The bigger short-term impact on our team would be more with a running back.
The short-term impact is likely to be sizable, industry executives said.
Still, the short-term impact of the deal is minimal.
Analysts said the order would have little short-term impact on Boeing's results since most of the planes will not be delivered until 1995 or 1996.
A. At all of the facilities, we are optimistic that this will have only a short-term impact.
The short-term economic impact of trade problems with China is already evident, however.
"The time has come to show some restraint, even if it has a short-term impact on the bottom line."
But most analysts expect the short-term impact to be muted.
Unfortunately, that can result in negative short-term impact on track.