My plan is even more ambitious than the President's in short-term incentives for fair trade.
In the old days, we used to say that advertising was something that built up the long-term image of the product, and promotion was a short-term incentive.
Then we need the shot, the boost, the short-term, one-time incentive that says Americans can take a trip and save a job.
Using your short-term incentive as an example, how did you carry out this system?
Our short-term incentive applies to all salaried employees and it's all rooted in operating return on operating assets.
Whatever you call such places, local governments have a strong short-term incentive to see them built.
The bill was designed to provide short-term incentives for the rapid development and production of electric vehicles.
Below the line sales promotions are short-term incentives, largely aimed at consumers.
One problem for the Israeli Government is the difficulty of domestic political compromise unless there are short-term incentives or threats.
In a modern corporation, the CEO and other top executives are often paid salary plus short-term incentives or bonuses.