It's a short-term therapy, she said, and then she demonstrated.
Some hospitals may specialize only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients.
Treatment should be reviewed every 1-6 months, and the choices for long- and short-term therapy are based on how severe the asthma is.
Surprisingly, though, some researchers have shown the therapist's role in short-term therapy is rather easy to quantify, measure, even to predict.
In general, short-term therapy is more effective than long-term therapy with clonazepam for the treatment of epilepsy.
SCT can therefore be applied to the goals of both short-term and long-term therapy.
An important recent trend has been toward short-term psychodynamic therapies.
Managed care discourages referrals to such specialists and mandates short-term therapy regardless of what is right for the patient.
Many forms of psychotherapy, including some short-term (10-20 week) therapies, can help depressed individuals.
The study shows that short-term therapy provides benefits without risks in terms of survival.