At their head was a shortish plump man, maybe fifty years old, with a round face and a neatly trimmed black moustache.
Tony leaned in front of him, a shortish plump man with a quiet, pale, friendly face and eyes as simple as forest water.
He was a ruddy-complexioned man in his early forties, shortish and not even stocky.
"He was a shortish man, thick, with a beard."
He was a shortish man, with black curly hair, black eyes that danced with laughter, broad shoulders, and long legs.
He was a shortish little man, in a dirty old hat, and he was running fast.
Outside was a shortish man in horn spectacles, who gave her a vague impression of being connected with learning.
The shortish man made her a little bow.
The dropped lapels served to elongate the torso, making a shortish man seem taller.
Malagate's third underling is a shortish, but powerfully built man who specializes in unarmed combat.