A shot roared and glass sprinkled the back of my neck.
As he nailed the wrist above the aiming hand, a shot roared from the center of the street.
The Invincible shot out from behind the tiny pulsar and roared for the jump point.
A shot had roared from the darkness at the foot of the rear garage stairs.
Instantly, from the ceiling of the dark passage, a shot roared.
Ringo was watching his companion's trigger finger when the first shot roared.
The death finger was on the trigger, when a new shot roared from the corner of the doorway.
Something small and bright shot away from it, rising high into the air as the launch roared on through wings of spray.
A shot roared, and in the confined space it was like a cannon going off.
Behind them, two shots roared, and Paul knew that the reverend was no longer of this world.