A driving shot by Wilkins spun around and out, but his two foul shots gave Atlanta the lead with 2:07 to go.
Two shots spun him and he fell onto his back.
Glasson said he feared that the shot might hit at the top of the rise going into the green and spin back into the water.
Another shot spun him around, and he was hit at least two more times in the back, they said.
He shoots first time but slips as he does so and his shot spins high and wide.
The second shot took Frank in the shoulder and spun him around.
The first shot hit Valenti in the shouldbr and spun him around.
A second shot stung him in the side and spun him full around.
Breyguhn fired her pistol again; the shot spun Peril's head around on the post.
The shot caught him and spun him around.