They are very strongly, tabulatedly shouldered at the summit.
They are moderately shouldered at the summit, which is crenulated.
The six whorls of the teleoconch are strongly shouldered at the summit.
The six whorls of the teleoconch are well rounded, slightly shouldered at the summit.
They are narrowly shouldered at the summit, which is finely crenulated.
The five whorls of the teleoconch are well rounded, and strongly shouldered at the summit.
The eight whorls of the teleoconch are flattened, and shouldered at the summit.
They are slightly shouldered at the summit and separated by well-marked sutures.
They are moderately rounded, very feebly shouldered at the summit,.
The 9 whorls of the teleoconch are flattened in the middle, and slightly shouldered at the summit.