His head and shoulders protruded into a clear space.
The head, shoulders and legs protruded beyond the base of the font, and they appeared to have sunk to their knees into the pavement.
But he had not had time to conceal himself; his head and shoulders still protruded over the tabletop.
Hairy shoulders, black with dirt, protruded from mudstained overalls that seemed clean by comparison.
His head and shoulders protruded into the upper compartment, but he was wedged tight and couldn't struggle free.
The grass-covered soil grew thin, until at last a shoulder of rock protruded, bare and forbidding.
The coat hung almost to my shins, the shoulders protruding like protection pads for some strange new sport.
Head and shoulders protruded, wriggling, with one trapped paw waving under his chin.
At the sound of his voice, the cabin door opened, and the Jew's head and shoulders protruded onto the deck.
On Beluga's starboard side, a live man's head and shoulders were protruding from a porthole.