It showed stars, and a dot in the distance.
It also showed a green dot speeding away from the site of the blast.
The master display changed to show a red dot, which stood for Nechayev, moving at a walking pace through the facility.
A machine showed a green dot, blipping slowly on a round black screen.
Military prosecutors contended that a computer-generated replay of the information on his screen during the mission showed a green dot.
The map showed a dot that represented Cutler's Farm.
Even at this magnification, the detail was fine enough to show several moons and a blinking dot that must represent a wheel world.
She passed him a map showing a black dot at the epicenter of every earthquake that had occurred in Utah over the past thirty years.
The screen instantly changed to show a tiny white dot near a cluster of buildings.
A photo by Joey Studdard shows a red dot with a trail of blue lights on a black background.