He was one of the boys who showed the most animosity towards Sakuragi when they first met, but later came to have the most respect for him.
This meant they showed "greater animosity to the Church".
They showed little animosity toward each other as they described how good Atlantic City has been to them.
Although she initially shows great animosity towards Hikaru, she eventually fell for and married him in Stage 47.
Of course, not all of Bensonhurst has shown animosity or resentment toward the emigres.
He never showed jealousy or animosity toward his colleagues - more than could be said for his leading rival, Bellini.
Neither of the men showed animosity toward him.
On the first occasion the god which always accompanied the priest to the garden and back again, would show animosity by roaring at him.
The historicity of this is dubious as other sources show great rivalry and animosity between the two.
He's never shown much animosity toward your people.