The inner right column shows birds in foliage; at the top of the right columns is a green man.
Around them the creatures appeared, the ocean teeming with life, the sky showing birds.
Savery's several later images all show greyish birds, possibly because he had by then seen another specimen.
They may show birds of prey, snakes.
A memorial statue, showing birds in flight, commemorates this.
The United States has issued several sheets that show 50 different flags, flowers and birds, but are not confluent.
The film shows birds taking off one after another, with the whole sky soon becoming filled with flying penguins.
Many later texts also show some relationship between dead souls and white birds, a link common also in other cultures, shamanic like the Japanese.
Various studies have shown mammals and birds to be important pollinators.
Typical designs show birds, butterflies, flowers and generally imitate some of the raw beauty found in nature.