Drug arrests on the 10 o'clock news tend to show inner-city blacks and Latinos being led away in handcuffs.
The survey showed blacks and whites differing in their perceptions of fairness by the criminal-justice system.
But records also show blacks hanged for little more than suspicion.
Mr. Brown said he thought these were "useful historically to show blacks what race relations were really like."
The ads show blacks with big lips and head scarves.
We've made it, so we're showing other blacks that they can make it as well.
"Whatever they show, they don't show blacks," she said.
Suppressing a scene that showed blacks protesting racial bias is no way to win the confidence of the black community.
The photographs show blacks in a variety of undertakings, including doctors and New York rap groups.
The statistics show whites, blacks, Asians, and mixed race people all suffer racist violence.