The show was very popular in Canada and technically never cancelled or axed, but no further episodes were produced.
The show ended in controversy after CBS abruptly canceled the series without allowing for a proper series finale.
In addition, several other shows just canceled outright.
The show canceled three performances, reopened to the accompaniment of two pianos, then switched to taped music for three weeks.
Few if any shows have canceled a scheduled Broadway opening in one season and then made it to Broadway the next season.
A rating like that would get most prime-time shows canceled.
CBC executives believed the show went beyond the limits of journalistic ethics and cancelled the show, leading to allegations of political interference.
The shows that are glorifying the 18-year-old will cancel each other out and will not appeal to a broad enough audience to work on network television.
Rumors of Superstars People came although a show scheduled for this site was canceled, a victim of disorganization and dismal ticket sales.
They are facing heavy odds: few if any shows have canceled a scheduled Broadway opening and then made it to Broadway the next season.