A review of morbidity in the area of the plant showed sufficient cases of microphthalmos to warrant further investigation.
Policy making and environmental regulation has shown specific cases of progress and success through the territorialisation of carbon governance.
Recent 2011 research done by the Justice Policy Institute has shown cases represented by public defenders result in more jail time and less justice.
This can be illustrated easily by taking figures which show extreme cases at the beginning and end of our period.
Women and younger people of either gender showed more cases of disorder.
Records from the slavery period show several cases of brutal Native American treatment of black slaves.
Besides, active languages are few, and they often show complications and special cases ("pure" active alignment is an ideal).
Studies in Japan in the 1980's showed relatively few cases but often devastating consequences, with as many as 250 victims a year committing suicide.
Starz no longer show cases the comics of local comics save a few shorties.
Table 1 shows populations and cases in broad areas of the world.