Some panels were open, showing cells below, about two meters cubed.
In fact, the slide showed dyskariotic cells from a cervical smear.
If follow-up tests show normal cells, then no further treatment may be needed.
The fibrous capsule shows inflammatory cells possibly as a result of trauma.
For a long time the existence of these impenetrable cells was not even known because our instruments show other cells beyond them.
I recently had a Pap test that showed atypical cells.
She was shown cells where prisoners were kept in solitary confinement, ill and moaning with pain.
Biopsy shows multinucleate giant cells and thus the name.
At the same time, the documents show, rebel military cells are infiltrating the capital to raise "the level of violence" and further weaken the Government.
If testing shows abnormal cells that have a high chance of becoming cancer, further treatment is needed.