The show coincides with the launch of an accompanying book and website, the first ever comprehensive guides to contemporary art from the Kingdom.
The show coincides with the regional anniversary day and Cup Week.
Held in during October, the show coincided with the wettest spring in Victoria's history.
This year the show coincides with the 125th anniversary of the Neighborhood House, a community service organization.
The major shows coincided with the straw hat, the white shoes, the sun block and the long delicious dinners outdoors in park and piazza.
These shows coincide with this British idea that the weightier the subject, the less open it is to criticism.
This show coincides with the 400th anniversary of Rembrandt's birth, which has inspired exhibitions around the globe.
The show coincides with the start of a major fund-raising campaign for the Y, which serves more than 300,000 people annually.
The shows take place once per month, and coincide with the return of the fishermen to the beach.
At the Frieze art fair that autumn, a leading artist worried that her new show coincided with the crash.