In any case, a Spider-Man live show can't compete with the kind of razzle-dazzle spectacle offered up in the hero's last three movie hits.
In this slot, the show competed with Supernatural, a series that attracts similar types of viewers.
The show will compete directly for public television viewers with Everyday Food, a creation of Ms. Stewart's company.
Neither show, however, can compete with Tokyo or the big European shows, which are geared more to the industry than to car buyers.
The show competed with Bonanza, then the fourth most popular program on television, and consistently performed poorly in the ratings.
His show will compete with "Judge Judy" in the fall.
But the show can compete for all the acting awards, for best direction and for best lighting design.
This change proved fatal as the show could simply not compete with the 6:00pm news on both TV One and TV3.
No American show could compete with a presold, critic-proof West End sensation, so we abandoned it.
Rivers's show on the Fox Network directly competed with Carson during the 1986-1987 season and then ended.