A more selective show would have delved deeply into these themes.
Rather than focusing on his films, the show delves into Hitchcock's symbolic world by dividing it into themes that are echoed in specific works.
His potential participation has furthered speculation that the show may delve into some daring areas of sexuality.
The show delves into every aspect of dinosaur life and the lives of other creatures who lived with them.
The show focuses on a famous soccer stadium in each location and delves into its history through the eyes of loyal fans.
The 30-minute show delved into the lives of students at McKinley High School.
Doctor Who's new season kicks off with a nightmarish new villain as the show delves into darker territory.
Through extensive research and creative production, the show delves on the sciences, health, history, paranormal, cultures, civilizations, people, among others.
On a more earthly plane, the show delves into the origins of holiday customs.
Still, the show enables one to either skim along or delve into the amazing mixed bag that is Exit Art.