The old wooden plank floor was worn smooth and still showed nicks and dents from the hooves of the cows when they entered and exited during milking.
Shortly the armorer reached both arms into the cabinet and produced a cuirass; it was fashioned of brass, unadorned, and showing many scrapes and shallow dents.
Even in the dim light of the Demon Star he could see that the hull showed stains, patches, and dents.
Still closer inspection would have shown some very fine lines and smooth dents in the tops of the eggs.
The outdoor buildings show dents and scars, and the rooms have grown dilapidated.
Helmet, breastplate and tunic showed dents and slashes.
GLOBAL mapping of the boundary between the upper and lower levels of the earth's deep interior has shown dents in that boundary suggesting to researchers that ocean floor slabs have been deflected there, rather than descending even deeper into the earth.
The moonlight hit the metal of a trailer and showed the scratches and dents.
Her hair was silky blond, flowing past her shoulders, and she wore a silver breastplate that showed dents from many blows.
Later dry-dock inspection of Raton showed dents where the torpedoes hit.