But since then, Iranian leaders have shown widening divisions over future policy toward the United States.
Examples of this are coloring that show the countries or divisions of a country, but also to visualize other data, for example the altitude.
But with panelists from different branches of higher education and from business, the commission has shown sharp divisions.
Muluzi said he was concerned that the election results had shown regional divisions in voting.
This conglomerate started showing divisions with the arguments about laws on divorce and especially in the autonomous statutes.
Already, the leading candidates are showing clear divisions on that score.
The greater achievement of the film lies in showing both the weakness and the tenacity of those divisions.
They also show profound Palestinian divisions about the shape of a future government.
The Greens, minority partners in the Government, are to hold a congress next week that is certain to show divisions over the war.
The latter showed strong ideological divisions within the left-wing spectrum, and the Socialist Party itself.