The show grossed $661,362 in five days and was seen by 13,298 people.
Last year's 36 shows grossed $19 million and drew 800,000.
The show has grossed more than $1 billion around the world.
He said his show had grossed an average of $850,000 a week.
The two shows grossed $2,498,532, with an attendance of about 32,038 people.
The show grossed a healthy $822,889 in its second week.
On Broadway, the show to date has grossed $283 million.
Now in its third year, the show grosses some $2.5 million annually.
For the last week reported in Variety, the show grossed $132,000 out of a potential $287,000.
She added that the show has grossed more than $350 million.