After the introduction of the international airplane services, multinational organizations such as hotel chains and tour operators began to show serious interest in the region.
The party produced a film which showed malnourished people in the region.
It has not been shown in the region since then.
I would like to see the Type 45s show their potential in the region.
The 1880 census showed approximately 1,000 settlers in the region.
Jersey City, which showed the highest level of lead in the region, reported lead levels of 84 parts per billion: five times the limit.
Competition between the French and the Portuguese began to show itself in the region during this period.
Pictures from orbit show a few in the region that are several hundred feet wide.
As early as 1817 records show the presence of prostitution in the Spanish region which would become Texas.
(The museum is made up of old houses, schools and barns showing daily life in the region from 1740 to 1940.)