Note: OR 99 uses many different highways (see Oregon highways and routes); the milepoint column shows mileage along these highways, not adjusted for equations, with the highway number in front.
For a more complete report - showing individual transactions, expiration dates, mileage and special deals - there is a charge: $2.95 a month or $29.95 a year.
Also, all non-Interstates in Illinois have markers showing mileage from the western or southern border of the county.
It also shows exit numbers, mileage between exits, points of interest and more.
The car's computer showed average mileage of 25.3 for the New Hampshire trip and 27.9 for Boston.
The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department does provide by-county Route and Section Maps which show the section number and mileage per section.
Across the gray-carpeted room, Jack Watson sprinted on a computerized jogging track that continuously showed his speed, mileage and distance.
The cars had citizens' band radios, radar detectors, cellular phones, a compass, a Timewise 797 rally computer showing time and mileage to the hundredth, and a secondary readout that would show us, based on a 60 m.p.h. target, how much ahead or behind schedule we were.
Few traces of the original village now remain; the oldest houses (Chalk Cottage of 1777 and Mile Stone Cottages of 1793) were demolished in the 1960s and replaced by a car park, but the old milepost showing mileage to London, Petersfield and Portsmouth remains.