In an open letter to the "catholics" Constantine asked the bishops to show moderation and patience to the Donatists.
Even Mr. Quayle, a social conservative who has aggressively promoted "family values," has shown moderation toward homosexuals.
According to Suetonius, Nero "showed neither discrimination nor moderation in putting to death whomsoever he pleased" during this period.
In the bitter religious controversies of the time Anglesey showed great moderation and toleration.
Bell's face was pale as he muttered, "You're showing great moderation again!
He expressed "solidarity" with Mr. Redeker, but cautioned that a "state employee must show prudence and moderation in all circumstances."
I would therefore like to show moderation in this matter of tax relief.
I hope that it will be swiftly implemented, and for that reason it would be wise if this Parliament showed moderation in the number of projects.
Hopefully, both negotiating parties will show moderation and will base their work on European values.
It is a different thing for us to ask the Albanian government to show prudence and moderation in consolidating the democratic regime and legitimacy.