Today, a woman may wear a wedding ring in order to show her status as a wife.
It shows your status and recent events on the welcome screen, completed with an animated designs around the circle.
For example, pinned contacts will now flip over to show the contact's latest status update.
The crest shows the city's status as a county seat.
At the same time, idioms show their status as phrases in various ways, too.
This can be seen as symbolic and shows her status in society.
There is no external sign to show his status as a husband, unless he adopted the tradition of wearing a wedding ring.
Each day was marked also by a letter to show its status:
There is a meter that shows your status, and it's sometimes unclear which answer will cause the needle to move in what direction.
This style was believed to have been popular amongst soldiers at that period, and also to those who wished to show their martial status.