The show previewed at the Savoy Theatre from 27 April 2012, opening on 17 May and playing a limited 12-week season until 28 July.
The show reviewed all the action from the Asian trading day, crossed-over to Europe to see the midday action there and previewed the session in the US.
The show previewed in a tour of Philadelphia, Toronto and Detroit for nine weeks.
The weekly show analyzed previous games and previewed upcoming contests.
One company member, who spoke on condition of anonymity, says Mr. Laurents panicked when the show previewed badly.
The Costume Institute at the Met previewed its 'Versailles 1973' show, Sept. 8.
The show previewed on July 11, 2010 after a new episode of The Next Food Network Star.
The show previewed around the UK in small venues, before being performed at the Edinburgh Festival.
The show previewed at Broadway's Marquis Theatre on March 15, 2008 and opened on April 24.
Because this week's shows previewed the spring 1994 collections, you can decide good and early what you want to wear for proxy season next April.