When that finally subsides, the house lights go down and the show resumes.
After months in the hospital, Barton was released, and the show resumed shooting.
Most of the time, the problem was fixed within 5-10 minutes and the show resumed where it dropped off from.
Some doubt arose as to whether the show would resume in 1947.
Immediately after the evening news, this show resumes until 2 in the mid-night.
The show resumed after a few minutes, prompting Madonna to thank the audience for their patience.
In January 2011 her show resumed on satellite radio.
Following this, the show resumed broadcast on March 25, 2013 for the remaining episodes of season 1.
However, when the show resumes in the fall, prepare to pay.
The show, which is featured year round, will resume on Jan. 7 after the holiday shows.