Over time, the airport showed signals of decay, lack of space for passengers and outdated technology in radar and safety.
In each race, some 200 genes showed signals of selection, but without much overlap, suggesting that the populations on each continent were adapting to local challenges.
It is not uncommon to see individuals showing hand gestures and signals at sporting events or within a university environment.
Like many other snakes, if they are threatened, they will show aggression and signals that warn the attacker.
Most strainmeter records show signals from the earth tides, and seismic waves from earthquakes.
Studies have shown elevated signals in the lingual gyrus when subjects were tasked with retrieval of facts while problem solving.
The badly bruised Mexican economy continues to show mixed signals with a steady recovery belying a nagging underlying weakness.
Japan, for example, slipped back into a recession in the October-December 1999 quarter and continues to show mixed signals about recovering in the current quarter.
Different words showed distinctive signals, and a computer analysis enabled the authors to recognize the vocabulary being used.
A typical mass spectrum shows multiple signals because the molecular ion fragments into a complex mixture of ions and uncharged radical species.