And, Nigeria showed growing sophistication for attack.
Formations with 4 8 aircraft usually show grandeur and sophistication at the same time.
But that would require television to show political sophistication, to see through the simplicities of aw-shucks patriotism.
Even non-literate groups show enormous sophistication in deliberate breeding of animals and plants.
In line with the new doctrine of network-centric warfare, the modern battle tank shows increasing sophistication in its electronics and communication systems.
They show considerable linguistic and conceptual sophistication.
Many observers commented that he painted like a child, but the work shows sophistication with his particular technique.
Over the years, children increasingly manage negative emotions by talking with others and negotiating ways to resolve situations, showing sophistication in emotion regulation.
Scientists use the presence of petalias to show sophistication, but they are not a definitive indicator of evolution toward a more human brain.
The guns were crude cast iron, but these bullets showed sophistication.