The show spanned 79 episodes and 6 seasons; it has also aired 18 shorts.
This show spans more than 60 years in the career of an American artist who defies easy categorization.
The show spans roughly the mid-1960's to the present, beginning with a pair of early timehri paintings.
The show spans just about a century.
The show spans one "lovely day," from morning to evening.
The show spans Warhol's career, from the early 1940's until 1986, one year before he died at 58 after gallbladder surgery.
The show at Farideh Cadot spans close to 10 years.
The show spans much of the sculptor's career and gives fascinating insights into his working methods.
The show spans genres like religious paintings, landscapes, portraits and still lifes.
The show spans two seasons with 26 episodes in each.