To create beacons of academic excellence in inner-city areas which would be able to show other parents, teachers and students what was possible.
The teachers are running a $1 million television campaign showing teachers and students succeeding despite deteriorating school buildings.
Such professional development shows teachers how to guide their students' understanding of literature by asking open-ended questions with an emphasis on analysis and interpretation.
This was to show teachers in various disciplines how to integrate the study of the Holocaust and genocide into the curriculum.
Another work, called "The Rural Teacher" shows teachers working in farming areas.
In-service courses, for instance, are offered by many museum education services, and can show teachers how to get the full potential from an item.
This spring, she plans workshops to show teachers in her district how to create a podcast.
To spread the word, the Library of Congress has begun a program to show teachers how to use its collection in their classrooms.
The strike has been troubling for students, especially those who have watched news broadcasts showing teachers being led to jail.
Some teacher-training material is designed to show teachers how teaching should be done.