The research showed unequivocally that a vaccine would have to include three distinct types of polio virus, but no more.
It showed unequivocally the way ahead and was widely emulated.
A follow-up observation with Hubble in 2007 unequivocally showed that the superluminous star was gone.
His weekly mail showed unequivocally just how major a problem war widows' pensions had become.
These events show unequivocally who defends democracy and who threatens it today.
Polling data from the July election showed unequivocally that voters were not choosing between two candidates but between two systems.
It shows unequivocally that murder is nothing more than that, vicious and unconscionable.
Those tests showed unequivocally that the remains were male".
The aforementioned tests unequivocally show that the rocks in question originated on Mars.
Previous analyses from this study showed unequivocally that the screening procedures reduced deaths from breast cancer by about 30 percent among women over 50.