Although the photo shows real workers, it is believed that the moment was staged by the Rockefeller Center to promote its new skyscraper.
The video shows workers throwing male chickens alive into a grinding machine.
He later said:, "We also showed workers conducting tests on water in the Clearwater where fish appeared to be dead.
Years later, Robeson would remark that, of all his films, this was his favorite because it showed workers in a positive light.
This first film shows workers leaving the Lumière factory.
His television film Workers '71, which showed workers discussing the reasons for the mass strikes of 1970, was only shown in a drastically censored form.
The evening television news said the searches lasted up to seven hours, and they showed workers loading green trucks with boxloads of documents.
Another, for Northrop, includes a television commercial showing workers building airplanes to blaring rock music.
Let us not allow the flares fired off by some of the demonstrators to show port workers in general in a bad light.
"But they still needed a way to show workers where the boxes were in case they needed attention."