When a shell fell on his billet, he was severely wounded with shrapnel damage to both legs.
Despite the heavy antiaircraft fire, Enterprise took one hit and suffered some shrapnel damage from an estimated five near hits.
That evening Tucker arrived in the area and after midnight recovered part of the aircraft perforated with shrapnel damage.
"There's shrapnel damage all over the horizontal stabilizer," a Federal official said yesterday.
First hand investigation by Judge Goldstone's team revealed evidence of significant shrapnel damage within the mosque.
It survived with shrapnel damage to the tail and no casualties.
Some older books still show shrapnel damage.
Hanging in the dining room at the time, the painting suffered extensive shrapnel damage.
The closest shot splashed in the water ten feet from the Waxbill which caused shrapnel damage.
She survived the war largely intact, with only minor shrapnel damage from Soviet air raids.