The galaxy is remarkable for its bright blue disk, webs of shredded clouds, and fiery-looking plumes of glowing hydrogen blasting out of its central regions.
He blinked against the sunlight glaring round the shredded clouds, combing his hand back through sweaty hair.
The sun came out from between the shredded clouds.
Blinding Light So pent up and excited were the defenders of Sanction that they gave a cheer when Malys' s huge, red body emerged from shredded clouds.
The sky was streaked with shredded clouds separated by slashes of hazy daylight stretching from the heavens to the jungle canopy.
The rain had stopped and the night was bright; the three-quarter moon peeked through shredded clouds as it set.
Above him a proud full moon swam amongst shredded clouds and the stars came and went, wormholes in the wooden floor of heaven.
The night was moonless and the stars hid behind shredded clouds.
Through shredded clouds, Major Haar saw the shore flash by like a slide show.
EARTH 407 At last he found the source over on the horizon, a twisted funnel far beyond the Sea State picket boats, rising to stain the shredded, striated clouds.