It could be made out of shredded newspaper.
One traditional technique is making papier-mache from shredded newspapers and wallpaper paste.
This could be a thin layer of shredded newspapers, decayed leaves or a fiberglass screen.
Their substrate can be wood shavings of any sort, or shredded newspaper.
Instead of a $10,000 cut, she got a bag of shredded newspaper.
Inside were masses of shredded newspapers and blankets.
Containers filled with shredded newspaper and worms, such bins are used for composting food scraps.
The upholstery was covered with dog hair and shredded newspaper from the cat carrier.
If you want to recycle shredded newspaper at home, consider putting it in the compost.
If you're building a new pile with a lot of kitchen scraps, add some shredded newspaper or wood chips.